It's a wonderful brush with such an inexpensive price (compared to MAC brushes)
got this brush for S$21.90 only! My MAC 187 is around S$80+
It's made from real animal hair (i'm not sure which animal it is from as i can't read Korean) and synthetic bristles.
It's superrrr soft! The bristles does not scratch my face!s
MAC's is still softer, but not much different from Etude House's.
EH's one is much easier to wash though.
Many people experience shedding during 1st wash. Mine also shed, but not much. Only a few strains, 5?
But during the second wash, it won't shed anymore ;)

MAC 187 is meant for liquid foundation application while EH is meant for blusher / highlighter.
My friend tried using her EH brush to apply MAC liquid foundation, and it works just like MAC 187.
I think this brush is really worth it to spent on.
Highly recommended, and if I asked to give rating to this brush, I'll say 5 teddy bears out of 5 :)
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